Drawing for life


“Garden Girl” started as a drawing exercise. I worked to fill a circle of space with free form flower images and then filled them with color one area at a time. It was an exercise of spontaneous imagery. All of the colors and shapes were very eye catching but I was losing interest. I felt the piece needed something that would keep the viewer captivated.

garden girl (2).jpg

So I meditated on the piece to see what could be further coaxed from the image to keep one more keenly interested and so developed her face. She became the entity of the piece, representing the energy of the earth; the personality of living things. And so I was encouraged to finish the piece.

Creative of work of any kind adds a kind of vitality to life. Filling in places where there may be lack of energy, fulfillment or virtue. I believe this to be true for all people. It is a kind of discovery process that leads to a level of internal satisfaction that creates fluidity to what could be a rather monotonous or predictable existence. Consider laying your hand and heart to the task of creating and you may gain some much needed life.

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